©Krista Schlyer
-Call Script -
Real ID Act
GOAL: Repeal of the Real ID Act environmental waiver
BACKGROUND: In 2005 Congress included a provision in the Real ID Act that allowed the Secretary of the Department of Homeland Security to waive all laws in order to expedite construction of a border wall. At no other time in American history – even in time of war – has a cabinet secretary had unfettered authority to decide when, whether and what laws are in effect. To date, almost 50 laws have been waived along large portions of the US-Mexico border, many of those laws were meant to protect endangered species, air, water and human communities from destructive actions by the US government.
By calling this number you can ask for your members of the House and Senate. Or look them up online: https://www.callmycongress.com
Hello, My name is __________________
I am a constituent from _________________________ (city, state)
I would like to express my _________________________(insert feeling: anger, frustration, disgust) over the start of border wall construction. I have seen photos of the destruction of federal land for a useless, offensive wall.
President Trump waived dozens of environmental and other laws to speed construction of the wall. Congress gave the president this authority under the Real ID Act of 2005. And Congress can take it away.
[HOUSE: Use this if speaking to you member of the House of Representatives]
I’d like you to sign on as a co-sponsor of HR 1232 “Rescinding DHS' Waiver Authority for Barriers Act,” introduced by Rep. Kathleen Rice (D-NY). This bill would require the president to follow all environmental and cultural laws when constructing any border barrier.
[SENATE: Use this if speaking to your senators]
I’d like you to sign on as a co-sponsor of S 254 – “A bill to rescind the authority of the Secretary of Homeland Security to waive Federal law to facilitate the construction of border barriers.” The bill was introduced by Senator Tom Udall (D-NM). This bill would require the president to follow to all environmental and cultural laws when constructing any border barrier
Please share my thoughts with [Member of Congress’ name] and get back to me with a response.
Thank you.
Note: For more information and status updates on these bills, see: