The number one thing you can do to help borderlands people and wildlife is to let your members of Congress know you don’t want a border wall and you want them to stop it. This becomes even more powerful if you find out how they voted on border wall funding–and tell them what you think of their vote.
Being an advocate for the borderlands means reaching out to those people who are responsible for the border wall that has already been built, holding them accountable, and demanding that they stop wall construction. In short, it means calling, writing or visiting the offices of your members of Congress.
“ Many people have lost faith in the Democratic process and no longer believe that communication with elected officials matters—it does.”
Many people have lost faith in the Democratic process and no longer believe that communication with elected officials matters—it does. Voters do have power, but they have to exercise that power. They have to use their voices and speak out for what they believe, and not just at election time.
The links below will help you advocate on behalf of the borderlands—by learning how your Members of Congress voted, and calling, writing, and expressing your thoughts on social media.
First, take a look at how your elected officials voted on the 2018 and 2019 appropriations bills that funded border wall construction. Spoiler Alert! Some of the most outspoken opponents of border walls have voted to fund them time after time.
2018 Appropriations for the Department of Homeland Security (included in the omnibus appropriation bill passed in March, 2018) SENATE / HOUSE
2019 Appropriations for the Department of Homeland Security (passed February 14, 2019, after an extended government shutdown) SENATE / HOUSE
USE THIS INFORMATION: Take a moment to reach out to your members of Congress and let them know what you think of their vote.