Shredding of the Lower Rio Grande Valley National Wildlife Refuge for border wall construction, February 2019. Image (c)Krista Schlyer
-Call Script -
Stop the Border Wall
GOAL: Express your frustration over wall construction and ask your senators what they are going to do about it.
BACKGROUND: Every year since President Donald Trump was elected, Congress has approved more than $1 billion in funding for border wall construction, for a total of more than $3 billion. These budgets were approved by Democrats and Republicans alike. The Trump administration began building wall in New Mexico in May 2018, and in February 2019 wall construction began on national wildlife refuge land in South Texas.
By calling this number you can ask for your members of the House and Senate.
Or look them up online:
Hello, My name is __________________
I am a constituent from _________________________ (city, state)
I would like to express my _________________________(insert feeling: anger, frustration, disgust) over the start of border wall construction. I have seen photos of the destruction of federal land for a useless, offensive wall.
[NOTE: You can end here by skipping Options 1 and 2, or, check your senators’ voting record for the 2018 budget. If they voted for the bill, they supported wall funding, and use option 1. If they didn’t, use option 2.]
OPTION 1: I am ____________________(insert feeling: furious, disappointed) that Senator __________ voted to fund the border wall.
OPTION 2: I am ____________________(insert feeling: very happy, appreciative, grateful) that Senator __________ voted against border wall funding.
Please share my thoughts with the senator and ask what he/she is going to do to stop this destruction.
And if you voted for the senator, let them know and tell them that you are reconsidering your support in the next election.